Brand Audits & Strategy Sessions

No-fluff feedback & discovery to build a powerful presence

Your business has shifted and blossomed, so now you're confused over what colors and style represents your growing brand. You've stressed so much that you can no longer tell what's working or what to do next.  All you want is clarity and a firm foundation so you can stop tweaking and move on to impacting the world, doing what you do best.

This second set of eyes needs to come from a professional

Your spouse just doesn't "get it" and your mom says everything you do is genius, but neither of those give you the critical feedback you're desperate for.

Chances are you've also asked around in Facebook groups, but get conflicting answers from random strangers who don't see the whole picture and can't provide a strategic response.

You've considered hiring a coach to hash out all of your ideas, but they focus on drawing it out from within you instead of sharing critical insights (and who knows if they have any design sense... no offense).

Let's take a deep dive into the heart of your brand!


The love you once had for your brand has faded and you're ready for something new. You're not sure if you need a full rebrand or just some updates. You need a professional to evaluate your logo, website & social media presence to give you insight into what's working — and what's not — then provide action steps and accountability for how to move forward.

  • 30-minute discovery call

  • Short questionnaire (to be completed by you)

  • Evaluation of website and two soc ial media platforms

  • Detailed write-up with screen shots showing the brand’s strengths & weaknesses with list of action steps

  • 60-minute call to evaluate results & discuss action steps

  • 30-minute follow-up accountability call

Your business has shifted or grown and you're ready to rebrand – congrats! However, you need to ensure you have a solid foundation in place before starting the creative process. We'll nail down your target market, the heart behind your business and what makes you different to ensure your rebrand will be effective and lasting. *If you're booking me for branding & haven't already worked with a strategist, I strongly recommend booking a strategy package so you'll get the best results out of your branding!*

  • 30-minute discovery call

  • Questionnaire and brand workbook (to be completed by you)

  • Detailed write-up of action steps

  • 60-minute call to evaluate results & discuss action steps

  • 30-minute follow-up accountability call

Let's Start Your Brand Legacy

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